Archived Articles

beer surrounded with roaches

New & Notable in Canada: Crickets, Craft Beer Superfans and a New Seal of Authenticity for Craft Breweries

By: Briana Tomkinson At the end of 2019, Canada reached a new milestone with over 1000 craft breweries and brewpubs in operation from coast-to-coast. Not surprisingly, the year also saw the launch of a new national federation of craft brewers associations to lobby the federal government on na-tional policies that ...
Keeping Off Flavors Out of Beer

Keeping Off Flavors Out of Beer

By: Jessica Spengler When consumers reach out for a craft beer, they have an expectation of how that beer should taste. When an off flavor sneaks in, it can lose the brewery customers and hurt their reputation. Keeping off-flavors out of beer is not as difficult as it may seem, ...
Bearded brewer in apron holds bag of malt at brewery factor

Craft Malt in the Brewery

By: Erik Myers Recently, the Craft Maltsters Guild – the non-profit association dedicated to promoting the manufacturers it defines as “craft maltsters” – announced The Craft Malt Certified Seal, a new initiative to promote the use of craft malt by breweries. In order to qualify, a beer or spirit must ...
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Key Finance & Accounting Performance Indicators for Craft Breweries: What Data You Should Be Tracking and How to Leverage it for Success

By: Kelly Addink Do you have real-time visibility into your financial information? If so, are you confident you’re monitoring the right type of data to achieve your business goals? We plan to explore these questions and more as we dive into the issues breweries often face when it comes to ...
3 cocktails in glass

CIDER: It’s Time is Now

By: Tracey L. Kelley Photo credit: Kim Fetrow Photography North American regional and local cider makers are throwing elbows at major corporate producers, trying to respond to consumers’—particularly those in the 18–24 demographic—demands for alternatives to mainstream products. This is good news for producers eager to tap into the young ...
rows of fence in a farm

Post-Harvest on the Hop Farm: Jobs Change, But Work Continues

By: Gerald Dlubala After all the time and energy spent on vine training, pest-free growth and meticulous care that hop farmers put into raising the best possible crop, the harvest can feel like a whirlwind that’s over in a flash. Depending on the types of hops grown and the climate ...
Artisanal cheese for sale at artisan market in Ile rousse

Kombucha with a Kick

By: Nan McCreary Hard Kombucha is one of the latest drinks to make a splash in the “better-for-you” alcoholic beverage market. But what is hard kombucha, you ask? Wait, what is kombucha? Kombucha traces its roots to China’s Qin Dynasty (221 BC), where it was known as the “The Tea ...
4 cider cans in a table

Assessing the Growth of Cider Apples in the Pacific Northwest

By: Becky Garrison In 2016, the Northwest Cider Association received a specialty crop grant from the Oregon Department of Agriculture. This grant enabled them to launch a signifi-cant initiative encouraging farmers to plant cider apple trees in the Pacific North-west. The Northwest Cider Association chose to focus these planting efforts ...
man inspecting a machine

“SMART” Brewing: Innovation & New Technology for Craft Breweries

By: Cheryl Gray Brewers have needed packaging and tools to dispense their products ever since beer was first brewed a millennium ago. Today, innovation and technology that transform a good idea into a great one are driven by industry titans who know how to keep pace with the demands of ...
tanks wrapped over

Important Tank Supplies & Accessories for Your Brewery or Distillery

By: Alyssa L. Ochs High-quality and reliable tanks are one of the most essential parts of any brewery or distillery. However, there are many components involved in keeping tanks in good condition and well-monitored throughout the beverage-making process. Experienced brewers and distillers use various tank supplies to keep their tanks ...