Page 11 - Beverage Master December January 2020
P. 11

Craft Beverage

                  budget comparisons, etc. - report both in dol-      Are you at capacity and losing orders? Is it time
                  lars and as a percentage of revenue.              to increase capacity? Are you consistently under
                                                                    capacity? Possibly consider contract brewing or
                 Investigate areas where expenses are increasing    other ways to fill capacity. Evaluate labor costs to
               (either in total or as a percentage of sales). Identify   ensure efficient production staffing levels.
               areas where there are cost savings opportunities.
               Variable expenses should fluctuate with sales levels,    So, now we know what type of data successful
               including staffing costs.                            brewers are tracking but what technology is need-
                                                                    ed in order to access that data?
               5.  Tasting room and restaurant metrics: Revenues
                  and margins tracked by month year over year,        Introducing new technology to any business is
                  food cost as a percentage of food sales, staffing   commonly viewed as complicated, timely and
                  costs as a percentage of tasting room revenue,    costly. However with the rapid expansion of cloud-
                  daily sales trends, etc.                          based technology, there are now a number of
                                                                    applications tailored to meet the needs of small
                 Evaluate seasonality trends to determine staffing   and midsized businesses in any industry.
               needs and consider training time needed when hir-
               ing new staff for busy season. Monitor food costs      Most of us are familiar with the phrase “moving
               to determine if menu price increases are needed.     to the cloud” but, what does that really mean? In
               Assess daily sales trends for potential promotions   its most simple form, cloud computing is the use
               on slower days of the week in order to increase      of a shared resource on the internet to store, man-
               business.                                            age and process data. Unlike the historical way of

               6.  Capacity/efficiency: Production volumes as a     hosting a technology platform on your own serv-
                  percentage of full capacity month over month,     er, cloud-based technology allows unique users
                  direct labor costs as a percentage of revenue,    to access the same software application from any
                  etc.                                              device, anywhere, at any time. Information is easily

                                                                  BEVERAGE MASTER      December - January  2020     9

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