Page 14 - Beverage Master December January 2020
P. 14
Craft Beverage
“SMART” Brewing:
Innovation & New Technology for Craft Breweries
By: Cheryl Gray
B rewers have needed packaging and tools brewing as the catalyst for creating a demand for
innovation and new technology aimed at achieving
to dispense their products ever since beer
was first brewed a millennium ago. Today,
innovation and technology that transform best practices in product identification operations.
a good idea into a great one are driven by indus- With craft breweries increasing their production
try titans who know how to keep pace with the capacity and distribution, Stark says there is a
demands of a highly competitive field, putting craft correlating trend towards print-on-demand ink-
breweries in a position to stay a step ahead in an jet technology replacing pre-printed boxes and
increasingly crowded global marketplace. hand-applied labels.
Print-on-Demand With Abbott Company “Print-on-demand inkjet technology offers many
benefits, including a lower cost-per-mark compared
One of those titans is Wisconsin-based Abbott to pressure-sensitive labels, as well as more flex-
Company, in business for 95 years, specializing in ibility for managing corrugate stock volumes and
industrial marking and packaging solutions. Tim case sizes. Our recommended high-resolution inkjet
Stark, Abbott’s president, points to the rise in craft technology, FoxJet ProSeries print heads, has been
12 December - January 2020 BEVERAGE MASTER
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